Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Political Influence Milton Friedman And The Chicago...

The markets trading goods, and services have created a constant hum of activity including governmental agencies and services which governments provide and whether to continue those services to the public have been the focal point of fair trade economics through the perspective of Milton Friedman. Traditionally interconnected with International Policies the policies of Friedman and the Chicago school of thought have had significant NEGATIVE impacts on the quality of life and accessibility to basic services. Through the policies of ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council countries across the world have experienced the back lash of extreme neoliberal policies exploiting the poorest of countries and people for the profit of white wealthy business men often collaborating with members in ALEC. Supporting this argument of extreme neoliberal policies since the 1970’s starting with the signing in of Nixon and later cabinet member Donald Rumsfeld writers such as Michael Foucault exp lains how such political influence can negatively effects not just American lives but everyone one and thing on the earth. Finally concluding the acceptance or allowance of such policies through legislative practices to push extreme radical policies through during time of Shock through the perspective of Naomi Klein. of such and political intersecting of international global markets like the Middle East or Central America. 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